345 Davidson house, Forbury Square, RG1 3EU
Open Hours of CompanyMon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
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345 Davidson house, Forbury Square, RG1 3EU
Open Hours of Company Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm


Microsoft 365 Product Review for 2021

Our video provides a deep technical dive into all of the available Microsoft 365 products, how they are used and how other organisations utilise and roll these out.

 About this Video – Overview of Microsoft 365 Products

Our Microsoft 365 Masterclass Series is a new webinar series from Amnu. Our series aims to help organisations get the most out of their subscriptions including developing a strategy, adoption the platform, improving security and a dive into key technologies.

This event is a deep dive into the Microsoft 365 Products that are available showing how organisations can deploy these into their environment and roll them out according to best practice with Amnu’s tips and tricks.

During the webinar we’ll be focusing on key processes you can implement and demonstrating the following key Microsoft 365 technologies:

During the video we will cover off the following key areas:

  • Features available within each service
  • How other organisations are utilising these
  • Best practices for deploying these and rolling them out in your organisation
  • Security, Adoption & Governance Tips and Tricks

Who is this video for?

This video is aimed at organisations that have Microsoft 365 and would like to get more out of their investment. We’ll cover off the products available in Microsoft 365 and how they are used by organisations.


Contact Us

Amnu are here to help with your Microsoft 365 projects. Get in touch via 03335 779 009 or Contact Us.


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