345 Davidson house, Forbury Square, RG1 3EU
Open Hours of CompanyMon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
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345 Davidson house, Forbury Square, RG1 3EU
Open Hours of Company Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm


Hybrid Working is here to stay




hybrid working


What is Hybrid Working?

Hybrid Working is a form of flexible working. It allows employees to work remotely, with them usually working part time in the office and part time remotely or on the go.

The pandemic has made many of us re-evaluate the modern ways of working. Many people have indicated that they plan to continue hybrid work for the long-term. With flexible work here to stay, it is crucial for employers to ensure that they can provide a seamless transition to hybrid work to retain and attract talent. With over 40% of the global workforce considering leaving their employer this year.

Studies have shown that over 70% of employees want remote working to continue, while over 65% would prefer more in-person time with their work team. Additionally, research shows that employers could be doing more to make the transition to remote working easier for their employees. With 42% of employees stating that they lack essential office supplies at home and over 46% state that their employer does not provide support with remote working expenses. Read more

hybrid working graph

Many business leaders have reported positive responses to remote working, with 61% saying they are thriving under the circumstances. They have also reported they have been able to build stronger relationships with their employees.

How Hybrid Working Impacts different Generations

Not everyone is thriving in the hybrid working environment. Whilst male, millennial or gen x, information worker and those that are further along in their careers report positive responses, the comparison with the responses from women, gen z, frontline workers and those new to their careers, shows a much different response in how they have handled the transition.

Furthermore, studies also show the disconnect between business leaders and their employees, with high productivity masking an exhausted workforce. Whilst business leaders report a positive response, their employees have reported that their employer does not care about their work-life balance, with a high percentage reporting feeling exhausted.

This is solidified in the data that has been collected from Microsoft 365. Time spent in Microsoft Teams meetings has more than doubled since February 2020, with the average time spent in meetings having a 10-minute increase. The number of emails delivered has also increased by over 40 billion. Therefore, proving that workers are being forced to keep up with a significantly increased and intense workload.

The Benefits of Hybrid Working

Additionally, there has been many positives reported with the rise of hybrid working. When done right working remotely with Microsoft Teams has many benefits. Many workers have said they are bringing their most authentic self to work, with many colleagues virtually meeting family members and pets. This has made working more comfortable, and employees have been less likely to feel embarrassed when their home life transfers to their working life.

Hybrid working has also widened the talent that is available to employers. Geographical location is having less of an impact on job roles, with an increased amount of remote working job postings available. This will have an adverse effect on those that do not have the access or ability to travel or move to big cities for better work opportunities.

The Solution

Businesses will have to embrace hybrid working and all its positives moving forward if they wish to retain their staff team. Every organisation will need to re-evaluate and assess how they work and plan for the future of hybrid working, such as deciding how much time is spent working from home and how much time is spent in the office. Business leaders must also consider equipping their employees with the tools needed to work from home.

It is obvious that hybrid work is here to stay, and therefore it would be in organisations best interests to invest in the tools and training to ensure that their companies are working as effectively as possible. Amnu can provide a seamless migration to Microsoft 365 to help your organisation with the transition to hybrid working, get in touch!

About Amnu

Amnu are here to help you with all your Microsoft 365 projects.

Amnu are Microsoft 365 Specialists who provide a full range of services for the platform. This includes Support, Training, Adoption, Consultancy and Migration. Learn more about the Amnu story or Contact Us, our number is 01189000573.

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