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345 Davidson house, Forbury Square, RG1 3EU
Open Hours of Company Mon - Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm


StaffHub migration to Teams tutorial

StaffHub migration to Teams tutorial

StaffHub migration to Teams is essential to keeping your business connected as Microsoft permanently retired StaffHub in 2019. By upgrading your staff to Microsoft Teams, you can facilitate better planning, communication and collaboration.

Introduced in 2017, StaffHub was designed to manage digital integration for companies in the service and production areas. These sectors account for over 500 million first-line workers in retail, catering, factories and other services that typically do not have their own on-site office facilities.

StaffHub made it easier for these businesses to make plans and transfer information between their team members. However, all the useful tools found within Staffhub have been migrated to Microsoft Teams. This allows businesses that have been reliant on Staffhub to pick up where they left off after their migration, with minimal disruption to their workflow.

This change has come about as part of Microsoft’s plans to group smaller applications and services into a central platform. This is similar to how Word, Excel and PowerPoint became the centralised Microsoft Office suite. This provides more convenient solutions for businesses and can save you money as you only need to purchase one licence.

With a professional StaffHub to Teams migration, you will also enjoy a host of extra features to make your business operations easier. The specialist Microsoft Teams for business experts at Valto are here to help you with every stage of your migration. Read on to discover the benefits of transitioning to Microsoft Teams.

What is Microsoft Teams and Shifts?

Microsoft Teams is a shared platform that allows your staff to communicate and distribute information with ease. It acts as a central hub for your entire team. This allows your business to operate seamlessly, even if your staff works from multiple locations or you do not have a shared central office.

When you complete your StaffHub migration to Teams, your staff will gain a number of benefits. The main home screen allows your staff to see important information and announcements. Users will also visit this screen to clock in and out, as well as view who else is working that day.

By keeping all your vital information in one place, you can make life easier for your staff and make your business more productive. There is also a Shifts tab for managers and supervisors. In this tab, you can create, manage and amend shift patterns and instantly push the new information out to your team.

With a helpful mobile app, Teams allows your staff to stay connected at all times. You can also use Teams to manage holiday requests and time off in a more streamlined and convenient way. Microsoft Teams consulting services from Valto can offer you total peace of mind that you are getting the very best from your Teams platform.

How to perform StaffHub migration to Teams

If your business has been using Staffhub, you will have received a notification that directs you to a Microsoft Teams download page. Then, if your Microsoft license already includes Teams, your business data and Staffhub functionality will be instantly available to you when you transition over to Teams.

With the help of a professional team like Valto, migrating from StaffHub to Microsoft Teams will be fast, easy and convenient. However, by following a few simple steps outlined by the expert Valto team, you can perform your migration yourself. Then, if you run into any issues along the way, don’t hesitate to contact us.

To migrate from StaffHub to Teams, you first need to launch Microsoft PowerShell in Admin mode. You then connect to StaffHub through Microsoft PowerShell and open your StaffHub teams information and note down your Team ID. This will be displayed in the following format: TEAM_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Using this ID, you can move your StaffHub team data over to Microsoft Teams. You will receive a job ID as part of this process. Once your migration is completed, you can use the job ID to check your migration status and ensure that everything has transitioned correctly. You will then have access to your StaffHub data via Microsoft Teams.

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